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Can't make it to Nola?  Write with us wherever you are by joining our

Virtual Writing Marathon!


While we are writing our way across the French Quarter and beyond, you can write along with us from wherever you are.

Connect "virtually" with our New Orleans Writing Marathon by holding your own individual or group writing marathon and posting your own writing on our Facebook page.

Here's how the "virtual writing marathon" works:
1.  Wherever you are, write with us during any of our scheduled marathons (see our Marathons page).

2.  Post your location, a short piece, and perhaps a photo on our page at—<> .

3.  We'll be live tweeting, posting on Facebook, and also on Instagram throughout our marathons so you can see where we're writing while you're writing.

You can follow us on Instagram and Twitter @comewritewithus and on our Facebook page.  We're using #NOWM as our hashtag to aggregate our posts.

We hope you'll take part in this virtual marathon from your own location while we're writing in New Orleans or taking our marathon on the road.


Wherever you are, be a writer!

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