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New Orleans Writing Marathon
Summer Retreat
June 24 - 26, 2024
Please fill out the form below and hit SEND.
Payment required upon registration:
$25 per day OR $60 for all three days.
Pay by credit card via PayPal. Enter total.

To pay by check
Make checks payable to New Orleans Writing Marathon
and mail to:
New Orleans Writing Marathon
2407 Pine Street
New Orleans, LA 70125
Book your hotel directly.
Registration does not include accommodations.
If you’d like overnight accommodations, our host hotel is the Hotel Provincial, located at 1024 Chartres Street, just a few steps from Beauregard-Keyes House. Click HERE or call 1.800.535.7922 and ask for the Writing Marathon room rate. This deal ends May 23, so book ASAP to receive the group rate.
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